1. Shutting down FTP services

    Those of you who have been around for a while may remember a time when you used to be able to mount kernel.org directly as a partition on your system using NFS (or even SMB/CIFS). The Wayback Machine shows that this was still advertised some time in January …

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  2. Gandi.net TLS certificates

    Gandi logo

    If your browser alerted you that the site certificates have changed, that would be because we replaced our StartCOM, Ltd certificates with those offered by our DNS registrar, Gandi. We are very thankful to Gandi for this opportunity.

    A common question is why we aren't using the certificates offered by …

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  3. Cloning Linux from a bundle

    If you find yourself on an unreliable Internet connection and need to perform a fresh clone of Linux.git, you may find it tricky to do so if your connection resets before you are able to complete the clone. There is currently no way to resume a git clone using …

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  4. Introducing Fastly CDN

    Fastly logo

    We are happy to announce that Fastly has offered their worldwide CDN network to provide fast download services for Linux kernel releases, which should improve download speeds for those of you located outside North America. We have modified the front page to offer CDN-powered download links, but all the existing …

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  5. FTP limited on mirrors.kernel.org

    We've had to temporarily limit FTP access to mirrors.kernel.org due to high IO load.

    We have recently upgraded our hardware in order to increase capacity -- 16TB was no longer nearly sufficient enough to host all the distro mirrors and archives. We chose larger but slower disks and offset …

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  6. Heartbleed statement

    Since we rely on the OpenSSL library for serving most of our websites, we, together with most of the rest of the open-source world, were vulnerable to the HeartBleed vulnerability. We have switched to the patched version of OpenSSL within hours of it becoming available, plus have performed the following …

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  7. Happy new year and good-bye bzip2

    Good-bye bzip2

    We started listing xz-compressed versions of kernel archives in all our announcements back in March 2013, and the time has come to complete the switch. Effective immediately, we will no longer be providing bzip2-compressed versions for new releases of the Linux kernel and other software. Any previously released …

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  8. Mirroring kernel.org repositories

    If you would like to mirror all or a subset of kernel.org git repositories, please use a tool we wrote for this purpose, called grokmirror. Grokmirror is git-aware and will create a complete mirror of kernel.org repositories and keep them automatically updated with no further involvement on your …

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