1. Fifty shades of Tux

    Special thanks to Benoît Monin for donating a MIT-licensed CSS theme to the kernel.org project to replace the one we hastily put together. Though the Pelican authors have since obtained a free-license commitment from the copyright owners of the CSS files shipping with Pelican, we wanted to have something …

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  2. /pub tree resync-ing

    Due to a failure in one of the rsync scripts during the maintenance window, the mirrors of /pub hierarchy on www.kernel.org got erased. We are resyncing them now from the master storage, but in the meantime you will probably get an occasional "Forbidden". The entirety of the archive …

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  3. Cleanroom styles

    You are probably wondering what happened to the site's look. Unfortunately, we've been alerted that the default theme shipped by Pelican (which we largely adapted) has an unclear license. Until this is cleared up, we've put together a quick-and-dirty cleanroom CSS reimplementation that preserves the functional aspects of the site …

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  4. Pelican

    Welcome to the reworked kernel.org website. We have switched to using Pelican in order to statically render our site content, which simplifies mirroring and distribution. You can view the sources used to build this website in its own git repository.

    Additionally, we have switched from using gitweb-caching to using …

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